Éigse Dhiarmuid Uí Shúilleabháin will take place this year as usual in the Muscraí Gaeltacht over the weekend of Friday the 29th of November until Sunday the 1st of December.
Diarmuidín was very well known for his unique singing style and his versions of many renowned songs from the Múscraí Gaeltacht area. He was among other things a Teacher and journalist with Raidió na Gaeltachta.
Singers ,musicians and people who enjoy traditional singing and music come from far and wide to celebrate the unique culture of the Múscraí Gaeltacht.
Friday the 29th November.
Seán Ó Sé the well known singer and entertainer will open the Éigse officially on the Friday night in Áras Éamonn Mac Suibhne in Cúil Aodha.
This year we will be celebrating the unique tradition in the Muscraí Gaeltacht of agallaimh beirte, lúibíní, amhrain saothair and ceapóga and will have various samples performed on the night. This will be followed by music from “Ensemble Mhuscraí” a Traditional Music Orchestra made up of local young musicians under the guidance of Paul Clesham.
The night will finish with a session in the Mills Inn.
Saturday the 30th November.
As usual we will have an early start again this year with Siúlóid Cuimhneacháin Síle Ní Shúilleabhain, at 9.30 a.m., starting off at the carpark in Top of Coom.

We will have eight workshops this year which will take place in Coláiste Ghobnatan from 10.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m.

- Sean Nós Singing with Breandán Ó Beaglaíoch.
- English Singing with Danny Maidhcí O Súilleabhain.
- Tin Whistle with Sean Ryan.
- Concertina with Michelle Mulcahy.
- Fiddle with Connnie Connell.
- Bozouki/mandolin with Macdara Ó Faolain.
- Set Dancing with Angela Pháid Ui Ghrifín.
- Accordion with Joseph Mannion.
For further information contact Liadh or Eileen at Ionad Cultúrtha Sochtúir O Loingsigh www.ionadculturtha.ie , 026 45733. Also at www.eigse.ie
This year we will have Cruinniú na nÓg with Comhaltas Lachtaín in Óstán Ghobnatan from 12.30-1.30.

After lunch there will be a lecture in Ionad Cultúrtha Dochtúir Ó Loingsigh with well known lecturer Seán Ua Súilleabháin. The theme of this years lecture will be “ Ag ceiliúradh traidisiún ársa na hagallaimh beirte, lúibíní,amhrain saothair agus ceapóga I nGaeltacht Mhúscraí”.

There will be lots of music to enjoy in the evening , starting with Éamonn Ó Meachair agus a chairde in the Top of Coom followed by a music session in Scannells bar in the village with Shane Creed agus a chairde.
Our Gala Concert hosted by Muireann Ní Dhuigneáin, will take place in Áras Éamonn Mac Suibhne at 8.00 pm.. All tutors who taught workshops earlier will take part along with, Eoin Ó Riabhaigh, Johnny McCarthy and Pat Aherne, Gearóidin Breathnach winner of Corn Uí Riada 2024 for the third time,John Kelly, Éamonn McGivney, Peadar O Riada and Cór Chúil Aodha.

Tickets for the Concert can be bought online at https://eigse2024.eventbrite.ie/ or at the door on the night.
Afterwards there will be a singing session in the Mills with Máire Ni Chéilleachair as Bean a Tí and a music session in the Abbey Hotel.
Sunday the 1st December.
Sunday Mass at 11.00 a.m will be celebrated live on Raidió na Gaeltachta with Cór Chúil Aodha under the guidance of Peadar Ó Riada.
The recital in the Old Church in Reilig Ghobnatan is always a very special event and will be again this year. Performing will be Eoin O Riabhaigh, Johnny McCarthy and Pat Aherne.

Éigse Amhránaíochta na nÓg will take place in Ostán Ghobnatan at lunch time,this is a very important fundraising event for Scéim Amhránaíochta Aisling Gheal who do such fantastic work in our schools.
Éigse Dhiarmuidín wouldn’t be the same without our neighbours in Sliabh Luachra and we are delighted they will be with us for the afternonn session in Óstán Ghobnatan.
We will finish the weekend as we always do with an evening of singing in the Top of Coom with Eibhlis Bean Ui Thuama as Bean a Tí.
So if you want to shorten the winter and and enjoy great singing, music and good company join us in the Muscraí Gaeltacht for Éigse Dhiarmuidín 2024.
We would like to thank our sponsors without whom the Éigse would not be possible, Arts Council, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Rannóg Gaeilge Comhairle Chontae Chorcaí, Raidió na Gaeltachta, Grousemount Windfarm.
More information and the full programme of events available on éigse website www.eigse.ie
Cathal Ó Riada 086 8509515 eolas@eigse.ie